ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY (18 July, 2017 Tuesday / 10:00 - 12:00)

Electrophysiology: Rhythm Devices for Heart Failure & Cardiomyopathies
10:00 – 10:20 Tips and tricks of echocardiography for CRT assessment, optimization, and follow-up
Mark Friedberg, Canada
10:20 – 10:40 Predicting response: CRT for the failing LV
Anne Dubin, US
10:40 – 11:00 Predicting response: CRT for the failing RV
Bart Bijnens, Spain
11:00 - 11:20 My doctor ordered an MRI, but wait I have a cardiac implantable device. Does it really matter?
Salim Idriss, US
11:20 – 11:40 Does European Risk Stratification for HCM in Adults apply to Adolescents?
Juan Pablo Kaski, UK
11:40 – 12:00 LV non-compaction, who deserves a device?
Robert Weintraub, Australia